Concluding the rigorous week of final exams, the annual holiday party witnessed students, alumni and faculty from the MBS program on December 18th at the Rutgers Club. Attendees gathered to celebrate and make connections with other attendees, especially the alumni where experiences were shared. A Rutgers graduate, currently Director of Product Development at Arrowhead was also present, and students were able to discuss possible opportunities for them in the Analytics field. The reception was welcoming with adorned trees and decorations as well as a number of mouthwatering treats and beverages. The raffle draw at the end seemed to entice a large crowd and the lucky winner took home a large gift basket.


The MBS Holiday Party decor!


Great food at a packed venue!


Students, alumni and faculty at the event.


The MBS Holiday Party: A great way to end the year!


A lucky winner of the raffle held at the party comes forward to collect her prize.


Live Music set a festive tone on the night.


Students and alumni socializing.

Author(s): Jhanani Ramesh Published on: 01/09/2019