Applied Computing


The MBS Applied Computing concentration  is tailored towards students interested in becoming a computer programmer or learning about programming but who do not have a background in computing. This program is also suitable for working professionals who have a scientific background and want to improve their computational skills.   

Skills Gained

Through expert instruction and experiential education, students will:  

  • Learn to integrate computing skills in conjunction with business skills and information technology
  • Learn state-of-the-art programming methods
  • Gain an overview of finance and accounting, marketing, communication and leadership, management protocols, industry ethics, best practices, and entrepreneurship

Where our Applied Computing Alumni Work

The computing and programming employment opportunities are numerous and are expected to increase in the coming years. Students who graduate are qualified to work in the financial industry, engineering industry, IT industry, and many STEM-based, science-intensive disciplines.

Unit Computing ManagerAon
IT ManagerLS Technologies
Technical ConsultantRutgers University–Camden
Application DeveloperAWeber Communications
and more!and more!

Preferred Academic or Professional Experience


  • Applicants are expected to have an undergraduate degree in a scientific or engineering field, with a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. An undergraduate degree in Computer Science is not a requirement. However, all applicants are expected  will need to possess the following background in basic mathematics:
  • One year of calculus (the equivalent of the calculus sequence 50:640:121, 122) and related math courses including Probability and Statistics (the equivalent of 50:960:283, 284 or 50:960:336), and Linear Algebra (the equivalent of 50:640:250).


  • All professional experience will be considered as part of the application process.

Applicants who are unsure of their eligibility for this concentration should schedule an appointment with an enrollment specialist.

“The Master of Business and Science (MBS) is without a doubt one of my best academic decisions...The classes I have taken, particularly the business classes, have given me so much knowledge and insight on how to be a better and more efficient member of an organization."

- Adolfo Pertuz, Master of Business and Science (MBS) degree Graduate
