Master of Business and Science (MBS) degree 

The Master of Business & Science (MBS) degree combines a traditional, science-based master’s curriculum with comprehensive business instruction and professional education. Choose a concentration under one of our three science tracks, below. 

Professional Education

The Professional Science Master's Program is excited to extend its alternative options to students who are not seeking a master's degree.

Graduate Certificate Programs


Certificate programs that can be completed in a shorter period of time than the the MBS degree.

Professional Education Certificates (Non-Credit)


With our comprehensive curriculum and hands-on learning, you can still receive high-quality education and gain valuable skills to excel in your career.

For Rutgers Undergraduate Students

Rutgers "4+1" BS/MBS


Exceptional Rutgers undergraduate students have the opportunity to enroll in the "4+1" MBS degree as a “BS/MBS" student, which will allow them to complete both degrees in a shorter amount of time and at a lower cost than to complete them separately.