MBS's Virtual Graduation Celebration: What started out of necessity in 2020 has become a much beloved, very fun tradition continued by necessity (and demand) as our program has grown and expanded. 

Dr. Silver sharing virtual address on Zoom

With MBS executive coach Kathleen Cashman-Walter starting the evening—as the ever-welcoming emcee and much-beloved instructor of MBS's Communication & Leadership course—Cashman encouraged graduates to go BIG: Be Intentionally Great—before turning the mic to MBS executive director Deborah Silver, who congratulated students for their hard work and dedication, as well as earning through their actions an honorary master's degree in resilience.

MBS faculty congratulating students

An enthusiastic, energetic compilation of hearty congrats from MBS instructors was given before executive coach Abbe Rosenthal called graduates one by one to virtually confer degrees.

Abbe Rosenthal presents MBS graduates

The evening, of course, would not be complete without the camera panning to each individual graduate to show his or her moment of celebration with family, friends, and loved ones. 


It was a joyous occasion for the third year running, and was followed by another tradition: an "after party" in Gather.town.

Congratulations to MBS's newest alumni!

Author(s): PSM Editorial Staff Published on: 05/15/2022
Tags: MBS Virtual Graduation, MBS 2022 Graduation, Gather 2022, mbs, Virtual Celebration