Congratulations to the Master of Business and Science October 2021, January 2022, and May 2022 Graduates!
With the last in-person graduation dinner held three years ago, the event was particularly meaningful and significant, with attendees able to give in-person claps, take in-person photos, and enjoy in-person laughs throughout the celebration, which honored not only students’ huge achievement of earning a Master of Business and Science degree, but which honored students’ great resolve and perseverance while doing so—completing a rigorous master’s program during a time of great change, uncertainty, and upheaval.
Following dinner, emcee Katheen Cashman-Walter addressed the crowd. “As I was driving up here,” she said, “I was thinking of the word I want to focus on. And that word is 'choice'—we all have choices. Choices that impact our life. And choice you made to enter this program has impacted your life, and will impact it from here forward.” Concluding, “Your degree starts today,” and wishing MBS’s newest group of alumni the greatest success before introducing Deborah Silver, MBS’s co-founder and executive director since its 2010 inception.
For the third year running, Silver eschewed her self-imposed speech time of 120 seconds or less to warmly greet the audience and discuss the concept of building resilience in the time of disruption – the subject of recent article in Forbes magazine . “Resilience is having the right skillset and knowledge base to weather any storm,” said Silver. “Essentially, it’s an MBS education – it’s combining and connecting different disciplines—business, ethics, communication, science,” she said. “So therefore, I want to congratulate each and every one of you for also earning a master’s degree in resilience.”
Beth Ann Murphy rounded out the evening by calling graduates to the lectern one by one to receive their diplomas.
It was a fantastic event, and could not have taken place without the extraordinary preparation, planning, and dedication of Camile DeMacedo, Keith O’Donnell, Mayank (Moon) Saboo, Jenny Kartelias, Talia Sclafani, Khyathi Dadi and, of course, Regina Ribaudo-Dougherty. Congratulations, graduates!