Since our program’s inception in 2010, all MBS students have finished their degree by completing our Capstone. In this distinctive course, students work in teams to choose an emerging science-derived intellectual property (IP) and develop a business plan to take this IP to market. Capstone allows students to practice skills learned throughout the MBS education, using knowledge of both science and business to commercialize successfully and manage the development of science-intensive enterprises.

For the first time, students in the fall 2023 semester were treated to a unique experience: a special retreat. Course instructor Dr. Tom Bryant led the retreat, conducting lectures in a hybrid format and connecting students with key personnel to help them make the most of their projects. The retreat aimed to enhance the learning outcomes of the course and to foster a sense of community among teh MBS community.

The retreat took place at the Rutgers Inn and Conference Center located on Douglass campus. This location offers a convenient option for online students to participate by staying at the Inn.

After a continental breakfast, each team met with experienced coaches. Next, students, along with Dr. Bryant and coaches, embarked on a mission to explore monuments to innovation located right here in New Jersey. Students visited either the Liberty Science Center or the Thomas Edison National Historical Park.

The Liberty Science Center is a 300,000-square-foot learning center located in Liberty State Park, Jersey City. It aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, exciting learners of all ages about the power of technology.

At the Thomas Edison National Historical Park, visitors step back in time to walk through a preservation of Thomas Edison’s residence and laboratory. Students who visited the Thomas Edison National Historical Park were treated to a live demonstration of Edison’s invention that changed music forever—the phonograph. Situated right in Edison’s first recording studio, students learned about Edison’s innovations and business plans.

The students were asked to describe the rationale of why the organization was formed, considering its impact on the world. Visiting these locations, students considered the sponsor of the institution, financial aspects, and how improvements might be made.

After an exciting afternoon, students returned to the Rutgers Inn and Conference Center to share what they had learned. Students described what they had seen, discussing different exhibits and highlights. Most notably, students realized how historical inventions have an effect that can still be seen today.

But the fun didn’t end there. The Capstone retreat also included dinner with a guest speaker, a movie night, workshops on topics such as project management and leadership, and more.

We hope that this is the first of a continuing tradition in the Rutgers MBS Capstone course!

MBS students and coach posing with Thomas Edison statue
Author(s): Julianna Rossano Published on: 10/25/2023
Tags: capstone, Live Event