Each year, the Rutgers MBS family rings in the holiday season in style with a department holiday party—the MBS Holiday Mingle! This year’s mingle, held on December 17 at the Rutgers Club, provided a fun and much-needed celebration as we wrapped up the semester and prepared for winter break.

A live jazz band, great food, and fun conversations filled the night. And, in spite of the cold and rainy weather, the event was very well-attended by faculty, alumni, and students in large numbers. “As an online-track personal care student,” says Samantha, “attending this event really helped me match faces to names and get to know my peers. I also ended up meeting one of the TAs for my class this semester, and we were able to talk in more detail about the subject.”

As an added bonus, Dr. Beth Ann Murphy, the new Life Sciences Coordinator, was in attendance, and many students looked forward to extending a warm welcome to her throughout the night. As the evening progressed, Dr. Silver, Executive Director of the Professional Science Master's Program, addressed the cheerful crowd to announce the raffle winners—a highly anticipated part of the event.

This Holiday Mingle marked the last MBS event of the decade as each of us ate, drank, and made merry! Happy New Year to our wonderful faculty, students, and alumni! We hope to see many of you in this brand-new decade! Enjoy the pictures, and Cheers!


Romika Lunkar and Samantha Siu

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The Christmas decor was on point—giving us all of those warm holiday feels!

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Our MBS students are all smiles, catching up on end-of-semester events.​

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Celebrating the last MBS event of the year…and the decade!​


Dr. Silver announcing the raffle winners.


Looks like Priyanka is going to have a hamper-tastic holidays!​

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MBS students, alumni, and faculty networking over delicious food and great music.​

Author(s): Romika Lunkar Published on: 01/03/2020