Formalized by Stanford University’s  “Designing Your Life” (DYL) teaches individuals how to apply design thinking to solve what Stanford refers to as “the wicked problem of designing your life and career.” 

Since 2019, DYL has been a cornerstone element of Rutgers Master of Business and Science (MBS) degree program—integrated into all curricula, professional development opportunities, and experiential learning. Why? 

Through DYL, students are able to identify their ideal life and career, and then—in collaboration with executive coaches and academic advisors—design an individualized, goal-driven pathway to support that vision, adjusting course when necessary. 

Students are introduced to DYL methodology at orientation—learning to leverage as early as possible both the academic offerings and the many professional resources available to them, including: 

  1. MBS’s signature Leadership & Communication course, which examines the fundamental aspects of communication and leadership in STEM-based, science-intensive careers. 
  2. A unique, robust executive coaching program and academic advising that allows each student to structure personalized curricula to meet his or her professional objectives. 
  3. MBS’s constant focus on “Jobs-Skills-Courses” Dynamic, industry-specific academic and career alignment that employs both cutting-edge labor analytics and a diverse body of experts to inform and shape dynamic curricula—allowing all classroom learning to remain ever-relevant.

The Benefit of DYL Integration 

Life is dynamic and iterative. And DYL-based skills and techniques are portable—equipping students with the strategic thinking skills and tools that allow them to map out fulfilling lives and careers while at MBS and beyond—giving them the ability to easily pivot and chart new paths at any point in the future, while also having a leg up in the current job market.