Looking for an on campus opportunity to gain some experience this Spring or Summer? We have a number of different projects that you can apply to work on if you are looking to gain some experience. We are calling these on-campus projects "Externships”. This is open to students from all MBS concentrations. All externship projects are unpaid. You are able to register for elective credits for these opportunities but are not required to do so. Join us for a webinar to learn more. If you cannot attend, check out the MBS Externship page here.
Zoom Information:
Meeting Link: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/98813715918?pwd=ajVJZGxha2M2d1lTMXJSVXY1TXZmdz09
Meeting ID: 988 1371 5918
Password: 878237
Tuesday, December 19, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
Hosted: Zoom
Hosted: Zoom
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