In this webinar, the speaker Brian Berenbach, will talk about Technical Credit and Systems Design. “Technical Debt” is a term first used by Ward Cunningham in an experience report in 1992. The term refers to the accruing debt or downstream cost that happens when short-term priorities trump long-term lifecycle costs. The term, when introduced, was used in the context of the development of software systems and has since been expanded to include all kinds of systems.
This talk takes a contrary view; while technical debt is discussed mostly in the context of bad practices, the speaker contends that the focus should be on system principles that preclude the introduction, either anticipated or unanticipated, of negative lifecycle impacts.
About the speaker:
Brian Berenbach retired from Siemens in 2013 after working for over 40 years as a systems and software engineer. After retiring, he joined Georgia Tech where he was a part-time lecturer, retiring from Georgia Tech in 2023, He then joined the faculty of Rowan University, where he teaches graduate computer science courses. Brian is an ACM Distinguished Engineer, an INCOSE ESEP, and an IEEE Senior Life Member. He has published widely on software and systems engineering, including a textbook “Software and Systems Requirements Engineering: In Practice” published by McGraw-Hill, and has 5 software patents.
This is a great event for all students interested in design and technology. Please join us via Zoom.
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Password: 989016
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