UXPA NJ: Webinar: Behavior Design: Your customers and users are irrational - so what and now what?

User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA), NJ Chapter is hosting this event and the Rutgers MBS program is sponsoring this event.

The speaker for this interactive event is Tobias Komischke, Ph.D. He is the UX Fellow at Infragistics, Inc. He has over 20 years of experience in UX Design. In this session, Tobias will be discussing when you offer a product or service to customers and how they react to it in ways you have never anticipated. They behave in ways that are irrational and not in their best interest. Why is that? What does it mean for you? You want to change people’s behavior in ethical ways.  

Zoom Information and Date/Time:   

https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/96877691944?pwd=bGtrMlN5ellPUmNQUU5IVzY1U2g5Zz09Links to an external site.
Meeting ID: 968 7769 1944
Password: 375538 

Colloquium Points +1
Thursday, January 26, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Hosted: Zoom
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