Internship Program - Getting Started

How to Get Started

An MBS student gives a presentation on her internship to her classmates.

MBS Internship Course Application Process

Which course should I take?

Professional Internship

(counts as either business or science elective)

You qualify for the Professional Internship course if you received an offer to work within an organization outside of Rutgers University.

This course is offered under different course numbers depending on the semester:

  • Fall: 16:137:608
  • Spring: 16:137:609
  • Summer: 16:137:610

Research Internship

(counts ONLY as science elective)

You qualify for the Research Internship course if you received an offer to conduct research in a laboratory at Rutgers University.

This course is offered under different course numbers depending on the semester:

  • Fall 16:137:611
  • Spring 16:137:612
  • Summer 16:137:613

Review Qualifications

  • You are an MBS Degree Student
  • You are a student in good standing. GPA 3.0 or above.
  • International students must complete two full semesters (or 18 credits) including both spring and fall prior to doing a professional internship. Summer semesters do not count.
    • NOTE - Students starting in spring can do an internship in the fall if they take at least 9 credits in both the spring and summer semesters.

Finding an Internship

  • Is your resume up to date? Are you prepared to interview? Schedule a resume review or interview practice with one of our Executive Coaches
  • Find an internship: Rutgers Handshake, LinkedIn, Indeed, Company Websites, Association websites, other platforms. 
  • Found an internship: You must work a minimum of 400 hours or 25 hours per week over 16 weeks to be eligible to take the internship course for academic credit. You choose between 1-3 credits when you register.

Submitting an Application Form 

Domestic Students

  • Complete the Internship Description web form. Upon completion, you and your supervisor will receive the Internship Agreement via DocuSign - this form must be signed to gain access to the course. 
  • Once approved you will be emailed your SPN number to register for the internship course.
  • Register on webreg for the internship course. You may select 1-3 credits per course, per semester when you register. 
  • After registration you will be given access to the Canvas course shell.

International Students

For International students who obtain an off-campus internship (paid or unpaid)

  • If you are an international student starting in the Spring semester and wish to use your CPT for an internship in the Fall of that same year — full-time summer registration (minimum 9 credits) is required.
  • Complete the Internship Description web form. Upon completion, you and your supervisor will receive the Internship Agreement via DocuSign - this form must be signed to gain access to the course.  
  • Complete Curricular Practical Training form with Rutgers Global Services.
    • If a faculty email is requested, please use
    • Rutgers Global will notify our department to review your request. 
  • Once approved you will be emailed your SPN number to register for the internship course 
  • Register on WebReg for the internship course. You may select .5 to 3 credits per semester up to a total of 6 credits when you register.
  • After registration on WebReg you will be given access to the Canvas course shell.


As a Data & Analytics Intern at Slalom, a strategy, technology and business transformation consulting firm, my client was the supply chain department of the world’s largest healthcare company. I worked on a business intelligence and data warehousing automation project, which helped the company to efficiently monitor metrics by saving time, cost and better visualization. The experience strengthened both my technical, analytical and leadership skills, as well as built my confidence level. 

Devam Shah, Data Analytics

My internship experience while in the MBS was all about the Business and Science. I worked with the team to analyze and prioritize projects, tracked and maintain their databases,  learnt to build and apply financial and analytical models in the renewable energy industry.

Arshiya Verma, Data Analytics 


MBS students can register for Professional Internship and/or Research Internship courses for up to 6 credits during their MBS studies.

The internship is approximately 400 hours over one semester. ANY job or volunteer experience can be structured as an internship in the MBS program. It does not need to be labeled “internship” by the employer. 

Yes. For Professional Internship, it can count as either business or science credit. For Research Internship, it can only count towards science credit.