(16:137:554) Fundamentals of Sustainability: The Practitioner Perspective -- from Concepts to Transactions

Course Number

Explore the evolving nature of sustainability as it relates to the public and private sectors as well as the rate at which businesses are adopting and employing sustainability practices. Examine concepts via four interrelated blocks of instruction that feature guest presenters and experts from the private sector.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Review the civilizational context of sustainability concepts from ancient civilizations to current era.
  • Analyze how concepts, sometimes in shadow form, still exist in the modern era with Socially Responsible Investing and progressing to ESG+CRS, DI, and Environmental Justice.
  • Explore how working within the private sector at a macro economic level to decide how advanced low carbon technologies can modify or alter business operations.
  • Apply the expansive agenda set out in the Governor of New Jersey's 80x50 report mandated by NJ Legislation as a blueprint.
  • Examine how emerging technologies related to sophisticated technology evaluation platforms can be used for a net zero carbon economy, but face obstacles from the environmental and economic regulatory system at the state and federal levels.
  • Evaluate the need for comprehensive redrafting the current panoply of laws due to legal workarounds.

Transferable Skills

  • Research
  • Communication

Experiential Learning

Guest lectures from experts in the public and private sector