Course Number
None, (Advantageous: 16:137:560 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering for Engineering Management)
Semesters(s) Offered

Learn the differences between threats and vulnerabilities, examples of cybersecurity attacks and events, key industry, and government security standards and frameworks, and requirements and principles for securing systems early in the system’s life cycle. Using this knowledge, begin defining security features for a system. Use several MS OS-based software tools for assessing and describing cybersecurity threats and for developing a system security architecture and design. Elements of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) are employed.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  1. Experience and learn numerous basic aspects of cybersecurity as they relate to architecting, designing, using and maintaining systems and networks.
  2. Learn to consider security, as one of the dimensions in their job function as an Engineer or Business Analyst, or an Engineering or Business Manager
  3. Experience password cracking and system security scanning through the use of hands-on security tools.
  4. The student may also experience Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)/Business Analysis Modeling if they choose to use the Core 9 University Edition tool provided.


Course Testimonials

I really enjoyed some of the technical classes in the MBS cyber security program at Rutgers University. One of my favorites was Essentials of Cyber Security, which was taught using an active learning methodology. This class involved me in hands-on exercises and projects that helped me to understand the concepts of cyber security in a deeper way. One of the most important things I learned in this class was how to generate security reports. Security reports are an essential tool for cyber security professionals, as they allow them to communicate the security posture of an organization to key stakeholders, such as the CISO or CTO. In this class, I learned how to gather data from a variety of sources, such as network logs, vulnerability scans, and incident reports. I also learned how to analyze this data to identify security risks and vulnerabilities. Once I had identified these risks, I learned how to develop recommendations for mitigating them. I found this class to be very valuable, as it gave me the skills and knowledge I need to generate effective security reports. I am confident that these skills will be essential to my career in cyber security. (Moon Saboo, MBS'23)