(16:137:526) Product Experience Design and Innovation

Course Number
Semesters(s) Offered

Learn the psychology of how and why user experiences are critical to product design—especially in today’s increasingly experience-driven economy, where consumers are purchasing not just the product but also the experience. Through case studies, analyze the products, business models, and positioning strategies of successful and innovative companies including Apple and Tesla.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, be able to:

  • Understand and explain the concept of experience design
  • Define experience from the perspective of microexperience and macroexperience
  • Examine why experience matters
  • Identify and evaluate the experiences that innovative products provide
  • Examine and identify what makes a great experience
  • Critically analyze various experience types
  • Examine the six experience elements
  • Design the experience journey
  • Examine how successful companies design and deliver experiences
  • Apply techniques for enhancing experiences
  • Apply experience design in product development