Applied Computing Curriculum

Business Courses

A total of 19 credits are required in the business curriculum. Six courses are required - all but one of the courses are for 3 credits each.

Science Courses

The Applied Computing science courses consist of four required courses and four electives. Students without a sufficient computer science background will be required to take the following courses as part of their program (it will count towards the electives):

  • 56:198:500 Introduction to Programming for Computational Scientists (3cr)
  • 56:198:501 Introduction to Algorithms for Computational Scientists (3cr)

Core Courses

Required (all students):

  • 56:198:562 Big Data Algorithms (3cr)

Choose at least one core course from each of the following areas:

Data Management:

  • 56:198:551 Database Systems (3cr)
  • 56:198:552 Information Retrieval (3cr)


  • 56:198:575 Cryptography and Computer Security (3cr)
  • 56:198:548 Security in Mobile Computing (3cr)
  • 16:790:558 Politics of Cyber Warfare (3cr)

Computer Networks:

  • 56:198:546 Computer Networks
  • 56:198:549 Network Coding


Speak with your advisor for elective courses. Additionally, the below courses are available as science-elective choices: 

Degree Requirements

In addition to 19 credits of business courses and 24 credits of science courses, all MBS concentrations require additional degree requirements. See here for the full list of degree requirements.

If you have questions about the program curriculum, please contact the concentration coordinator(s) or request an appointment with an advisor.