Business Courses
A total of 19 credits are required in the business curriculum.
Required Business Courses:
- 16:137:500 Ethics in Science and Technology Management (1cr)
- 16:137:501 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property (3cr)
- 16:137:502 Principles of Communication and Leadership (3cr)
- 16:137:507 Market Assessment and Analysis for Business and Science - Life Sciences (3cr)
- 16:137:530 Principles of Accounting and Finance for Science and Technology (3cr)
- 16:137:600 Science and Technology Management Capstone (3cr)
Prerequisite Courses: 16:137:502, 16:137:507, 16:137:530
Suggested Business Elective(s):
Choose one business elective from this list.
Science Courses
A total of 24 credits are required in the science curriculum.
Required Science Courses:
- 16:137:570 Fundamentals of Personal Care Science (3cr)
- 16:137:571 Product Development & Formulations for Personal Care Science (3cr)
Suggested Science Electives
- 16:137:510 Drug Development from Concept to Market (3cr)
- 16:137:563 Basics of AI for Science Professionals (Cr. 3)
- 16:137:572 Fragrance Applications in Personal Care Science (3cr)
- 16:137:573 Personal Care Science Applied Laboratory (3cr)
- 16:137:579 Global Food Supply & Quality Management (3cr)
- 16:137:586 Cosmetic Quality, Safety, and Global Regulation (3cr)
- 16:137:603 Special Topics: Dermaceutics (3cr)
- 16:137:606 Sustainability: Supply Chain Management Green Purchasing (3cr)
- 16:137:606 Special Topics: Data Storytelling (3cr)
- 16:137:607 Special Topics: Advanced Topics in Personal Care Science and Formulations
- 16:400:612 Introduction to Colloid and Interface Science (3cr)
- 16:731:545 Packaging and Environment (3cr)
Degree Requirements
In addition to 19 credits of business courses and 24 credits of science courses, all MBS concentrations require additional degree requirements. See here for the full list of degree requirements.
If you have questions about the program curriculum, please contact the concentration coordinator(s) or request an appointment with an advisor.