Applied Food Science and Technology

Business Courses

A total of 19 credits are required in the business curriculum. Business courses are the same for online or in-person students.

Required Business Courses (13cr):

Suggested Business Electives (6cr):

Science Courses

A total of 24 credits are required in the science curriculum. 

Required Science Courses (15cr):

Online Students

In-Person Students

Suggested Science Electives (9cr):

Online Students

In-person Students

  • 16:400:514 Food Biol (3cr)
  • 16:400:530 Advances in Food Sensory Science (3cr)
  • 16:400:611 Polymeric properties of Foods (3cr)
  • 16:400:535 Beneficial Microbes in Food and Health (3cr)
  • Graduate Research (also possible online)

Degree Requirements

In addition to 19 credits of business courses and 24 credits of science courses, all MBS concentrations require additional degree requirements. See here for the full list of degree requirements.

If you have questions about the program curriculum, please contact the concentration coordinator(s) or request an appointment with an advisor.